Why did these great scholars

Why did these great scholars leave Fez, when the community was thriving? Apart from the attraction of the Caliphate of Cordoba (929-1031), which was then in full expansion with its great Jewish viziers, the cause is to be sought in the political instability which affected Fez in the tenth and eleventh centuries, with the seizure of power by the Zirids (972-1014) after other troubles. They deported the Jews of Fez and Tlemcen to the fort of Achir (in Algeria) in 986. Although the exiles returned to Fez some fifteen years later and their landed property was restored, the community was again afflicted in 1032-33. But some stability was restored under the Almoravids (1050-1147), whose leader, Yūsuf ibn Tashfin, took Fez in 1068, unified it, made it a great religious center, and developed it into a major economic and military center, from which he advanced to Spain. สล็อต เว็บตรง

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